SupportICT endeavours to providing a website that is accessible and easy to use for the widest range of visitors possible, regardless of disability or impairment. This is an ongoing process and we are constantly seeking to improve in this area.
The site has been designed to adhere to best practice by following W3C standards. Pages have been built to comply with a minimum standard of WCAG 2.0 single 'A' guidelines. Wherever possible we aim to extend this to 'AA' and 'AAA' compliance.
Many devices and/or applications now require a login to operate correctly. Often these logins can take previously selected options and apply then to the environment. These may override some of the settings discussed below.
There are a number of steps we have taken to address accessibility needs that are detailed below. Many are drelicered using WP Accessibility Helper plugin.
The site uses Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to control all presentation and layout so that content is well structured and easily accessible via assistive devices.
The options set out below cover use of a browser on a PC device. These may vary for the same browser on tablets or mobile phones. Follow the link shown for browser supplier in each example below.
In most Windows browsers you can resize the Text by holding down the Ctrl Key and using either the mouse scroll wheel, or the + and – keys, to increase or decrease the Text size. In addition Text size can be increased or decreased in your browser by following these steps for some selected browsers.
Microsoft Internet Explorer (version 9 or higher)
- Choose the drop down menu at the top of the window of the browser marked "View". You may have to press the Alt key to see the menu where “View” is listed.
- A list of options will appear in the drop down menu, choose "text size"
- Next another drop down menu should appear with options including "small", "medium", "large", "largest"
- Select "largest"
- Click the three dots/bar icon in the top right hand corner
- Use the + and – options under “Zoom” to increase or decrease the size.
In addition you can:
- Click the three dots/bar icon in the top right hand corner
- Access “Settings” and use the “Choose a theme” to provide a darker option
Mozilla Firefox (version 55 or higher)
- Hold down the Ctrl button on your keyboard and press the plus (+) key
- You will find that this will enlarge the text, to enlarge again repeat the procedure
- Keep repeating until the text is enlarged to your requirements If you need to make the text smaller press Ctrl on your keyboard and the minus (-) key
- Click the three dots/bar icon in the top right hand corner
- Select the “Options” icon and then “Content” tab.
- Select the “Default Font” and “Size” for a web page. The “Advanced” option can be used to adjust default specific font types and sizes for web page content.
- Hold down the Apple Key and press the (+) key
- You will find that this will enlarge the text, to enlarge again repeat the procedure
- Keep repeating until the text is enlarged to your requirements
- If you need to make the text smaller press the Apple Key on your keyboard and press the (-) key
- Click the 'Customise and Control' three dots icon in the top right hand corner (Alt + E).
- Select 'Settings' ('Preferences' on Mac and Linux)
- Click on ‘Font Size’ and a list of options will appear in the drop down menu with options including "very small", "small", "medium", "large", "very large"
- Select "large.
- You can also select "Customise fonts” to adjust the font size on a slide scale along with the fonts used in the web pages.
All images used for non aesthetic reasons have descriptive alternative text.
Content across the site has been written and formatted to make it as accessible as possible. This includes:
- The use of semantic headings which are descriptive and used to highlight sections of text
- Clear and easy to understand language
- Meaningful text used for all links
- No information is conveyed exclusively through the use of colour
Colour contrast
Wherever possible we have designed pages and chosen colours to be accessible to colour-blind users.
Navigation aids
A sitemap is provided to assist with navigation. All pages across the site also include a link to the homepage, or the company logo at the top left can be clicked to go to the home page. All pages have a consistent global navigation.
Rich Media Content
Where possible we endeavour for content we create to provide transcripts and/or subtitles for key pieces of new video content available on the website.
Where we reference third party rich media content this may have image resize options and have text descriptions and captioning like YouTube.
Downloading Files
There are a number of documents and other files available for download across the site. Each download will have a description and a three (or now sometimes four) letter abbreviation associated with the file name. There a large number of three letter abbreviations and the device you download the file to may have a custom programme associated with the file type or no programme association at all for that file type. Typical attachments on our site are:
PDF - You can find out more about how to configure the free Adobe Reader software to obtain greater access to PDF files by visiting the Adobe site.
Microsoft clients such a Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Visio have viewers. Where you do not have these installed most devices have suitable viewers to open these. Alternatively you can visit LibreOffice for alternative clients to open most office file types.
Images – Most devices have built in image viewers. Where an image does not open on your device please look at the options available at Irfanview. More moderm images types such as 360 degree images will need a specialist client such as RICOH
ZIP - Most devices have built in code to open a zip file. Where a zip will not open please look at the options available under 7-zip.
Electronic books –Electronic book providers typically provide a free reader for most devices. Where an electronic book file will not open please look at the options available under the form web site to access a free reader, for example Amazon Kindle, or Calibre.
Access keys
In order to avoid any conflict with personal access keys you may have set up on your computer, we have chosen not to install bespoke access keys on this site. Your browser may have access keys already setup and you may have customised your access keys.
Further information
More information on how to make your browsing experience easier is available for the BBC's My Web My Way website. This includes advice and help for those who may benefit from making changes to their browser, operating system or computer to be able to view the web in a more accessible way.